Tuesday, February 28, 2012

movie poster reflection

I went through a few movie choices and ideas of how to rep them before I settled on this one. I was gonna do DEBS originally cause its one of my favs and I did  few rough drafts in photoshop for layouts but it wasnt working out so I switched to Spirited Away but the same thing again and I'm glad because I see that 2 other classmates chose that movie and I dont want to do the same thing as someone else. (great job on those posters though!!!) So finally I chose The Hunger Games because its not out yet and there is a bunch of Hype about it and I'm a total fan and there arent many posters out yet so there was more to work with.

I chose the typeface for the title because I felt that it fit the feel of the book. I had several different compositions in mind, none of which were the one I did of course.

I wanted to include Katniss in front of a sea of people giving her the salute. I even used the kids at work to pose for me to a picture to work from. But it wasnt looking like i wanted.

I decided to do the district seals with the title at the bottom and Katniss off center which is why I put the seals on the paper the way I did, off center. This proved to be a grandiose task though and I didnt get through with the seals, let alone Katniss. So I really liked the way the bottom third looked so I cut it out and flipped the orientation and added the sponsor parachutes in the back. I do want to finish the seals of the original design though and then post that version as well, though I dont think Katniss will make the cut because that will take too much time and work.

I am kinda proud though that I seem to have the only horizontally oriented poster in class, though the deign I want is vertical.

I posted it on facebook for feedback and I got a few suggestions that I might implement soon.
Overall, I'm satisfied with it, but I still feel it needs more.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The disappointing day
Whenever wrong or how
is something passed away
is ended now
forget, forgive it scars
and sleep will find you soon
beneath the shining stars
the gleaming moon

Thursday, February 9, 2012

word expression reflection

used old english font partially because it was the one selected when I started and partially because it fit the  word to me. People don't really use the word behold now days so it seems kinda old fashioned so the old type seemed appropriate.  I think the composition works, its following the rule of thirds and its horizontal orientation shakes things up and suits the subject matter. The word is clearly visible, easy to spot, and effortless to read.

the first one I did for this assignment. I really like how the notebook paper look turned out. All the words other than unconstrained are  antonyms of unconstrained to illustrate constrained. They are all within the boundaries of the paper like we are taught in elementary school, sitting on the lines just right, and they are the correct font and font size for essays, where as, unconstrained is bold,in a larger font size, and sits atop a broken and misinformed line to show that it isn't limited to the set boundaries. The composition works for me because the focus (unconstrained) is located in the bottom and right thirds of the page so your eye travels the whole arrangement from the top down and from left to right as is typical of reading before your eye reaches the focus and it holds there.

My favorite one because of its unusual subject matter. Tethered doesnt mean what I thought it did, it is a rope or chain used to restrain an animal to a certain radius. Originally I was going to do a cow or a dog in a tornado, but following the comment from a friend that it looks like its underwater, I changed it to a shark :) Its a simple composition but I think it works cause the poor animal is limited to the same mundane area at all times.